Viewers are eager to know who shot Sergeant Trudy Platt, played by Amy Morton, in the One Chicago Crossover event. The episode features an explosion taking place, ensuing havoc and chaos in the city while scattering the offenders all over the scene. Therefore, Trudy is tasked to go behind a prime suspect in the subbasement but as she tries to arrest him, she meets an unexpected tragedy that puts her life at risk. So, who tries to kill Trudy?
Here are the details.
Who was the villain that shot Trudy Platt in the One Chicago crossover?
Lauren Bates appears to have shot Trudy Platt in the One Chicago crossover.
Sergeant Voight and his team discover that the explosion was pre-planned, stemming from the data center in the basement. After Severide informs about the offenders hiding in the locked room, posing as city employees, Trudy is tasked to go after these suspects. She enters the garage and bumps into a mysterious individual wearing a gas mask.
She points her gun at him but he tries to convince her that he was there only to drop some forms before the explosion. Having a hard time believing him, she orders him to reveal his identity but is unfortunately met with a tragedy in the blink of an eye. Someone comes from behind and shoots Trudy thrice.
Her shooter is later revealed to be Lauren Bates, played by Jennifer Regan, who was her former P.D. colleague but after retiring worked for the private security team. It’s later revealed that Bates was involved with the attackers, misusing her security powers and eventually becoming a part of the terrorist act.
She helped the attackers with all crucial information while also pretending to be a part of the rescue team, safeguarding the city. However, Bates didn’t appear to regret her actions as she continued to justify her case.
Bate shared her version of events, explaining that she’s been at the receiving end of the city’s dark side. While she’s aware that she’s likely to die from mesothelioma, she is confident that attorneys will defend her case and bring about justice, just like they did for Margaret. Nevertheless, Voight remains disappointed, as Bates broke their oath of protecting the city.
Originally reported by Shazmeen Navrange on ComingSoon.