What Happens to Claire in the Books?
Photo Credit: Starz

What Happens to Claire in the Books?

Viewers are curious to know whether Claire Fraser portrayed by Catriona Balfe dies or survives in Outlander Season 7. The latest episode titled, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood, features the American Revolution reaching the significant battle of Monmouth. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Claire suffers a tragedy, recovering from which likely appears a bit impossible. With the episode concluding tragically, many are curious to know if it’s the end of Claire’s story.

So, here are the details.

Claire’s fate in Outlander Season 7 Episode 15 explained

Claire’s fate was left on a cliffhanger at the end of Outlander Season 7 Episode 15. It remains unclear whether she will recover or die.

The latest episode primarily focuses on the Battle of Monmouth, wherein the Continental Army and British forces fought. In this battle, Claire serves as a medic, treating the badly injured soldiers of the Continental Army. The war concludes brutally for many innocents, one of which remains Claire.

Even after receiving warnings to escape from the camp, she refuses to leave her patients alone. When the British and Americans clash, she suffers tragedy. She gets shot in the abdomen brutally. Jamie arrives to help her out. However, she asks him to call Denzell to help in treating the wound. Although she guides him in aiding her, her survival seems a bit difficult.

Does Claire die in the Written in My Own Heart’s Blood book?

Claire survives in Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.

The events in the series mirror that of the book. Claire is shot, which leads Jamie to leave the army to take care of her. Although her chances of survival seem slim in the series, she does survive in the book. After undergoing surgery, Denny removes the bullet. In Chapter 87, Claire emerges from danger. As she enters recovery, she moves to Fraser’s Ridge with Jamie.

Originally reported by Shazmeen Navrange on ComingSoon.net.


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