Fans of Outer Banks Season 4 Part 2 have been wondering whether Groff dies. Season 4 finds the Pogues living a normal life, running a safe haven called Poguelandia 2.0, and managing a bait, tackle and charter tour shop. However, they are forced back into treasure hunting after facing financial troubles.

Does Groff kill JJ in Outer Banks Season 4 finale?
At the end of Season 4 Part 2, JJ reaches the top of the sculpture in search of the Blue Crown the crew were looking for throughout the episode. JJ eventually finds the crown hidden inside the sculpture and pulls it out. He is surprised by Dalia, who is about to shoot him, but JJ escapes with Kiara.
Unfortunately, JJ and Kiara are separated while escaping and trying to find their way down from the ruins. Groff, JJ’s biological father, who had been left behind by John B. and Rafe at the well because of his deceitful nature, reappears. He faces Kiara and holds her at knifepoint. JJ, who arrives at the scene, willingly hands over the crown to Groff, telling him there are things more important in life than treasure.
However, Groff stabs his own son in the stomach and leaves him to die. He then runs off with the crown.
Is Groff dead or alive at the end of Outer Banks Season 4
No, Chandler Groff does not die in Outer Banks Season 4 Part 2.
Instead, it is JJ who dies. However, before dying, he requests a devastated Kiara to look after the Pogues. Following JJ’s demise, John B memorializes his fallen best friend. Groff is shown traveling somewhere with the Blue Crown. Rafe tells the Pogues that Groff is planning on heading to Lisbon, urging the group to go there. Kiara agrees with Rafe, wishing to avenge JJ’s death.
Outer Banks Season 4 Part 2 is currently streaming on Netflix.