Sometimes when white girls are at a concert or the club, they get too turnt up in the moment and forget to lock down their casual racism. It happens. It’s adorable. Cue Lindsay Lohan.
Lindsay Lohan is about to learn a life lesson … nothing on the Internet is ever really gone … because her attempt to delete the N-word from social media has failed miserably. Lohan went to see Kanye West perform Tuesday night as part of Paris Fashion Week. She posted a photo of Kanye onstage that included the caption, “#kanye&kimAlldaynigga$.” Lindsay deleted the corresponding tweet and edited the Instagram post to remove the N-word ... but her followers noticed and called her out on it.
Obviously, Lindsay Lohan isn’t racist as much as she is just dumb, because as we all know, if you’re gonna say “nigger”, you should say it at the privacy of your own home or in your fraternity. Or replace with words like thug. Or criminal. Or welfare queen. Or socialist. or Kenyan. Or President. Christ, has Fox News taught you nothing?