Hey, sometimes when you text Anastasia Ashley and tell her you haven’t seen her booty in a while, she’ll email text you back and tell you to check your email, because she just sent over her new Revolve campaign which features dat ass. So let this be a lesson to everyone. Just ask for what you want. Except if your Starbucks order is more than six words long, then you’re just being an asshole. Sorry. Nobody likes you, I hope you realize that.
Anastasia Ashley Revolve
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Dat ass tho
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Dat ass again tho
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing
Anastasia Ashley Revolve Clothing