Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Lindsay Lohan went to a party that had enough cocaine and weed to kill every person on Earth, but she “kept her nose clean the entire night”. Hahahaha that one never gets old. TMZ reports:
Here they are … pics of the drug aftermath at Lindsay Lohan’s mansion party in Miami … showing two burned out joints and something that appears to be the remnants of a baggie of cocaine. TMZ already reported there was coke and booze EVERYWHERE at the party before things got violent … and now, we’ve got pics of the mansion taken after everyone left the scene. It’s unclear who the drugs belonged to … but Lindsay’s camp insists the actress kept her nose clean the entire night … and didn’t booze either. Still, Lindsay knows … insane mansion parties in Miami aren’t exactly bastions of sobriety … and Lohan (who’s still on probation) knows she shouldn’t have put herself in that situation in the first place. In fact, we’re told after the rager … and subsequent fight … we’re told Lindsay scrambled to find a private jet to get her ass out of town … calling several private jet owners hoping to call in a favor.
It’s really whatever about the drugs at this point, because there will never be a time when Lindsay won’t do every drug that’s put in front of her. Everyone should just go ahead and accept that in their hearts right now. It’s easier to do than Jesus. You can have faith that she will and your faith will never be shaken. But the part of this story that doesn’t make sense to me is that Lindsay can call private jet owners “hoping to call in a favor”. What favor? Ummm, what favor? Not telling their wives why some of their Viagra is missing?
pic source = Instagram