We’re Supposed To Believe That Kim And Kanye Turned Down $3M For Baby Pics

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The Kardashian’s PR team, TMZ, is claiming that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have rejected $3M from a tabloid for the first pics of their bastard child. As you read this, please keep in mind that Kim brokered the sell of her own planned sex tape, got married for 72 days so she could get $30M and save her show from plummeting ratings. And Kanye won’t do anything unless he cries that it didn’t win him an MTV Music Award. So, now that we all know this, feel free to read this bullshit.

Sources close to K&K tell TMZ … the couple has been flooded with lucrative deals from magazines clamoring to score baby Kimye’s coveted first photos, with offers ranging as high as several million. We’re told the $3 million offer was from an overseas tabloid. So far, no cigar. Our sources say the couple has no plans to sell the pics to ANYONE … right now. We’re told they’re aware public demand will only increase over time — and still might consider offers in the future. It’s a pretty surprising move nonetheless, considering it’s become S.O.P. in Hollywood to cash in post-baby-birth …

Have you noticed that you don’t really see celebrity newborn baby pics on tabloids anymore? That’s because tabloids don’t pay for celebrity newborn baby pics anymore. Unless Jennifer Aniston announces that she’s pregnant with a minotaur’s baby, nobody is paying $4M for pics of a baby. But back to the blockquote. Let me decode that for all of you:

“Sources close to K&K tell TMZ” = Kris Jenner
“the couple has been flooded with lucrative deals from magazines clamoring to score baby Kimye’s coveted first photos, with offers ranging as high as several million” = Generating supply and demand. Several million is their asking price
“We’re told the $3 million offer was from an overseas tabloid” = the Kardashian tabloid in China that Kris Jenner publishes so the children in her sweatshop have something to read and line their beds with
Our sources say the couple has no plans to sell the pics to ANYONE … right now. = They haven’t received any offers yet, but they will sell out their baby if you give them more than $3M
We’re told they’re aware public demand will only increase over time — and still might consider offers in the future = Public demand won’t increase over time, so they’re leaking this story to gauge public demand that’s not there

Hope that clears everything up!


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