Britney Spears Would “Probably Be A Teacher” If She Weren’t Famous

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Oh, totally. I could definitely see that happening. Us Magazine reports:

In an interview with, the 29-year-old mother of two opens up about the career choices she might’ve made if she hadn’t reached international stardom at a young age. “I’d probably be a teacher,” she tells the site. “I love kids, and even in what I do now one of my favorite parts of my day is getting to meet my fans before the show. Especially the little ones. They are always so cute.” “I’d specialize in reading and history,” she says, adding that her favorite historical period is the 1920s. Her sons Sean Preston, 5, and Jayden, 4, are her top priority. “I’m very strong in the way I raise my kids and stuff,” she says. “So [even if I weren’t famous] it would probably be pretty much the same.” If either of her sons ever wants to pursue a career in the industry, she’ll let them follow in her footsteps. “I’d definitely keep an eye on them, but if that’s what they wanted to do then I’d let them go after it,” she says. “I’d just be very protective.”

As you read this, please keep in mind that at the age of 29, Britney Spears is still under a court ordered (and extended by her psychiatrists) conservatorship. And if you don’t know what that means, it means that a judge ruled her too stupid to live so her father has to assemble a team to make sure Britney doesn’t walk into traffic or try to swing on a downed power line. But in Britney’s defense, she really does love her kids and it shows. You know, like the time she got high and took them hostage then had a standoff with the police. Or the meticulous care she took when they were newborns. Or the even better care she took of them when they were older, by placing them on a strict and healthy diet. Or the time she fucked her bodyguard while her two kids were in a hotel suite with her then beat Preston with a belt. Or the time she willingly gave up the fight to have custody of her kids just so she could go on tour. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that Britney Spears shouldn’t be allowed around a picture of a school much less an actual school.


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