Jessica Biel Is Dangerous

If you’ve read this site for a while you know all the depraved stuff my tongue wants to do to this chick’s ass, but apparently that may have caused you to download a virus. Sorry about that. Us Magazine reports:

Jessica Biel has been named the most dangerous celebrity online. Security technology company McAfee Inc. announced Tuesday that searches for the actress are more likely to result in viruses and spyware than searches for any other celebrity. Searchers seeking info on Biel, 27, have a one-in-five chance of ending up at a Web site built to damage their computer.

If you’re looking for pictures of naked chicks online, I think you’re pretty much okay with damage to your computer. Not me though. My grandma says that Jesus lives in our computer and he sees me every time I have naughty thoughts. But I have so much fun on that I don’t even care! Thanks, grandma!

Jessica Biel’s Ass: A Retrospect(ive)


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