K-Fed is In This. Again.

Britney Spears and her wigger ex-husband, Kevin Federline, were allegedly caught having sex by his current girlfriend. Apparently anybody could have found them because they’ve been doing it everywhere. Let me be the first to say, “um, ewww.” Star Magazine reports:

“It’s like they’re newlyweds all over again,” a family insider tells Star Britney and Kevin, who have been traveling together for much of her Circus tour. “Brit and Kevin can’t keep their hands off each other! The flings have made them both a lot happier.” Britney loves it when Kevin puts the moves on her, and she’s making her own too, says an insider. “She definitely knows how to fan the flames!” But there’s one rather tall issue standing in the way — Kevin’s girlfriend, 5’10 ex-volleyball star Victoria Prince, who actually caught Britney and Kevin having sex on the sly! Victoria “caught him with his hand in the cookie jar,” says a source.

Awesome. I can’t speak for everyone, but boy, just imagine, walking into a room that smells like Hennesy and pork rinds to see two tubby rednecks struggling to breathe trying to change into reverse cowgirl. I mean, I can’t be the only one turned on right now, can I?

Classic Hairy Britney Ass: