Britney Spears Might Throw A Kiddie Tantrum

The above YouTube video is from October 2007, when Britney Spears first lost custody of her kids. Since then, most things that Britney does makes me think she doesn’t really want those kids all the time. Most recently, she agreed to the continuing conservatorship of her father Jamie, ensuring that her tour would go on and Britney couldn’t regain custody of her children.

But just like that last drop always lands in your pants and not the urinal, the Britney rebellion was inevitable. The plan was to establish three home bases for the Spears children, one in New Jersey, one in New Orleans and one in Los Angeles so the kids could be moved near Britney as she toured. Thing is, Kevin Federline’s lawyers have just gotten wind of this deal and claim it isn’t going to happen, even though Brit is willing to pay Kevin $4,000 a week for each week she’s on tour.

TMZ assures us that Britney will cancel the tour if the Federline lawyers don’t allow the kids to travel around. Which would, of course mean, hundreds of thousands lost on refunded tour tickets and a naked parade of Britney Spears through Time Square. What? You’re still reading? I stopped caring around October 2007.