Paris Hilton Might Be Tinkerbell

Paris Hilton wants to play the famous magical pixie in Disney’s live-version of Tinkerbell. I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but Disney is actually considering her for the part. Page Six reports:

“A source tells us the celebutard is lobbying for the title role in Disney’s live-action version of “Tinkerbell,” in which the pixie finally gets a chance at life as a real girl. “Paris has worked on her acting chops lately and showed some comedy prowess in her YouTube spoof of running for president,” our insider said. “Disney suits saw it and think she may be developing some comedic-actress potential.”

I don’t know if there is law against flying when you basically have a glass eye, but that’s kinda low on the list of things that are wrong with this whole thing. In case Disney forgot, this is a movie for kids. It’s gonna be hard for parents to explain why Tinkerbell has Shaq feet and why that Valtrex fell out of her pocket.

Photos: Splash


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