Lindsay Lohan is smoking pot [City Rag]
Anne Hathaway gets leggy for Letterman [Popoholic]
Sebastian Janikowski’s 76 yard field goal attempt [College Humor]
Britney Spears at a photo-op to make her sex tape money back [Dlisted]
Katy Perry is still attention whoring [Hollywood Tuna]
Gemma Atkinson is a bikini model (NSFW site) [Drunken Stepfather]
Robert Downey Jr. talks Sherlock Holmes [Just Jared]
Blake Lively is desperate for attention [Egotastic]
Britney Spears has bad hair [Hollywood Rag]
Mischa Barton’s nipples again (NSFW site) [Taxi Driver Movie]
Janet stays home [Lainey Gossip]
Beyonce is tardy [Socialite Life]

Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn took the stage at the 2025 Oscars with Andrew Garfield to present the Best Animated…