Leighton Meester = Pound Me in the Ass Prison

Leighton Meester is a star of one of those shows you probably don’t watch unless you wax your ass crack. Her PR people want straight guys to watch that crap, so they’re telling anyone who’ll listen that Leighton Meeter is a “Yo mama…” joke. Star Magazine reports:

Leighton Meester, who plays the privileged Blair Waldorf in the hot TV series, was born while her mother was serving a federal prison sentence in Texas. The mom was allowed to stay in a halfway house for the birth, but had to return to prison on the day Leighton turned three months. The future star was raised by a relative while mom served out her sentence for her role in a major drug-running ring. None of those details appear in the actress’ bio, which falsely lists the young star as being born in Marco Island, Fla., where her parents moved in the late ’80s. And Leighton’s mom isn’t the only member of her family with a record – her father, grandfather and aunt all did hard time in federal prisons for drug dealing!”

I think it’s safe to say that Leighton Meester has eaten more dick than Andrew Zimmern.

Photos: Splash