Britney Spears is an Excellent Driver Part 3

Britney Spears was driving down Sunset Blvd. in Beverly Hills yesterday and BREAKING NEWS!: She can’t fucking drive. TMZ reports:

Brit hit a red Ford Explorer, driven by a lady. No injuries, as far as we know — Britney didn’t even get out of the car. Her bodyguard got out and talked to the other woman. The red Explorer Brit hit is now following her back to Britney’s home. Britney was stopped at a light and, for some reason, accelerated when the light was still red, hitting the Explorer stopped in front of her, causing minor damage.”

Is there ever going to come a time when somebody is gonna say, “Hey, maybe driving isn’t Britney’s thing.” and take her damn keys away? You could get in a bumper car and hit less stuff than this idiot. I think we have enough evidence to rule that the only way Britney Spears should be allowed on the road is if she’s being pulled by a wagon.


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