Britney Spears is Nails on a Chalkboard

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Does anyone else make that involuntary ugly-face which makes fun of Britney before you get the chance to mentally digest and properly deal with pictures, like this, of her? Because I do. And I also make a sound which goes something like this … “Dar hurr nEEErrfuer braEERRR, snort, screech!” when I look at her. So according to the people in my house and those who live within a four block vicinity of me, Britney Spears is a nuisance and should be fined. Don’t blame me. It’s that 70 year old down the street’s fault. He’s one of the dudes who sits at the intimidating, made out of a 700 year old tree table at the HOA meetings, and reminds me I should start checking my mail before it starts spilling out of the box and into the street, and my 3 square feet front lawn is not where the washing machine goes. Fuck you, commie. Stupid old guy.


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