Folks Are Saying This Gal Looks Exactly Like Margot Robbie

Photo: Instagram

If you don’t know who Margot Robbie is, I pity you, as not only did she have one of the most memorable scenes in Wolf of Wall Street, but she was perhaps the only memorable thing about Suicide Squad. And now, there may just be a girl that can stand in for her in movies because she looks exactly like her.

Now that you’ve met the Los Angeles based model that looks just like Angelina Jolie, and now that you’ve drooled over the Brazilian version of Megan Fox, it’s time you meet: Eva Autumn, a 19-year-old from Australia, who works in a call center, but who has reeled in a massive Instagram following for the simple reason that she looks just like Margot Robbie.

Folks Are Saying This Gal Looks Exactly Like Margot Robbie

Eva reveals that she looks so much like Margot that people have proposed to her. “It sort of hit off after one photo,” Eva tells Daily Star. “It’s like I have my own fan base. It’s really weird because I get messages and comments of people saying ‘I’m a massive fan of you’ or ‘I love you’ and even ‘will you marry me?’ and so on.”

Eva continues to get tons of messages through social media.

“I just think, wow, it’s amazing really. I will always try and reply to everybody, I don’t want to seem stuck up or snobby. I really enjoy talking to people around the world and encouraging people to dress up and to live their dreams.”

Here’s more of Eva. Do you think she looks like Margot?

Pretty damn close.

And this woman obviously has regrets: Woman Spends Over 20K To Look Like Kim Kardashian, Says It Ruined Her Life