If you don’t know it by now, Sara Jean Underwood really likes two things: Nature, as made evident by her amazing outdoor pictures and the greatest picture of a deer ever, as well as she also likes taking pictures of herself, and showing off her goods. But you know what else Sara likes? You guessed it: Pizza. And boy, does she have a spectacular way of showing everyone just how much she likes it.
And how did she show her love of pizza? Well, she got naked and placed a pizza over her goods. Yep. Don’t believe us? Then take a look at Sara’s hot as melted cheese picture thanks to her Instagram:
(Picture via Instagram)
And if you didn’t notice, which you probably did, you can see that her undies say “All you can eat.” Oh, Sara, you never fail to let us down. Which is why she also gave us this gift:
(Picture via Instagram)
And I think now I’m really going to enjoy the next slice of pizza that I eat.