Check Out This Terrifying Porn Parody of ‘Pokémon Go’ (NSFW Language)

If you thought the possibility of the government using “Pokémon Go” to spy on us was scary, it’s nothing compared to the porn film parody of the massively popular game. Oh, and it’s called “Strokémon.” Incredible.

Thanks to Wood Rocket, the same folks that brought you a “Back to the Future” porn parody, as well as a “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” parody, comes this porn based on the game everyone is talking about. Check out the trailer below, and it’s not suitable for work, so heads up:

This is either a porno or a horror film.

And keep an eye out for “Hamiltoe” The ‘Hamilton’ Porn Parody ‘Hamiltoe’ Is Coming