#TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet Is The Most Ridiculous Mix Of Politics And Social Media Possible

So we all know about the women that will send you nudes if you don’t vote for Donald Trump, but over the weekend some of his supporters wanted to show everyone that it’s not just old white dudes that support Trump — some are hot girls, too.

The hashtag #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet blew up on Twitter recently, as polls show Hillary Clinton leading Trump — some showing her leading by almost 20 points. So in rushed Trump’s supporters who I’m sure know absolutely nothing about politics except some crazy white dude wants to build a wall. That’s good enough for them. And these pictures are OK with us.

Check out some of the pictures that were tweeted with that hashtag below:

Well, it was worth a shot, Trump gals.

h/t BuzzFeed

And here’s another one of Trump’s intelligent supporters: Crazy Racist Meathead Professes Love For Donald Trump And Screams At Latino Protesters (NSFW Language)