Some people look older than their age, while others look younger. And if you’re me, you look your age but feel like you’re physically 90. Some people, though, look absolutely nothing like their age, and this is one of those cases.
So allow us to creep you all the hell out by showing you a woman who looks like she’s in elementary school, but is far from that.

Can you guess how old she is?

Take a guess.

No? Well before we show her in bikini, let us reveal her age:
That’s right, Marina Nagasawa is a 20-year-old bikini model…and an adult star who appears in erotic movies in Japan. Marina’s thing is clearly looking like a schoolgirl.
Take a look at more pics below and take a look at her Instagram if you want to feel more uncomfortable.

h/t Izismile
Now try and guess this one: You Won’t Believe How Old This Woman Is