Kylie Jenner Wants Your Opinion On Her Lipstick (But We’re Too Busy Looking At Her Lingerie)

Kylie Jenner has been busy taking selfies and working on her lipstick line so she figured she would ask us what we think of a certain lipstick color by posting a picture of it on her Instagram. The only thing is we were too busy looking at her in lingerie.

We did noticed her lingerie does match the lipstick. We are sure of that. Let’s all take a look at Kylie’s getup thanks to this picture she posted on her Instagram:

Could this be a new lip kit color? 😉 @lipkitbykylie

A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Shout-out to the random girl in the background for getting in on this photo with more than 1.5 million likes.

And we didn’t notice she broke her nail here: Kylie Jenner Broke Her Nail, So It’s Sexy Selfie Time


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