If you’re wondering what Tony Toutouni does most of his days, this video might be a clue. Signaling at busty women to come over to you and then filming them run in slow motion is not easy, but someone has to do it. Because sometimes you have to set time apart for important things:
Tag anyone who loves natural boobs @whitneyarielle
A video posted by Tony Toutouni (@lunatic_living) on
And if you’re wondering who that very excited and eager woman in the video is, well her name is Whitney Arielle. And she wants you to know that “Yes, they’re real.” Let’s take a look at some more pictures of her to make sure:
A photo posted by whitneyarielle (@whitneyarielle) on
A photo posted by whitneyarielle (@whitneyarielle) on
A photo posted by whitneyarielle (@whitneyarielle) on