Mad Max Gameplay Overview Highlights Brutal Combat and Car Creation Tools

A gameplay overview trailer for the upcoming Mad Max video game has been unveiled, highlighting the game’s brutal combat and its car creation and customization tools, along with its “unpredictable” environment and the dangerous occupants of its open-world.

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Developer Avalanche Studios appears to have borrowed the fighting mechanics straight from publisher Warner. Bros’ other properties, with the video pointing to it resembling the free-flowing fisticuffs displayed in the Arkham series. However, it’s decidedly more brutal and bloody, with enemies’ throats being slit, their stomachs being pumped full of shotgun shells and other such gruesome activities. There also appears to be area-specific attacks, with Max shown throwing an enemy off the side of a bridge, along with various weapons to use, both projectile and melee.

Poor guy.

The trailer also revealed a strong emphasis upon the game’s vehicles, with Max’s car being referred to as the “magnum opus.” At the beginning of the game you’ll be tasked with creating your vehicle, with you then able to upgrade and customize it as you progress through its story. The trailer depicted a number of action sequences involving swarms of vehicles, with enemies clambering atop the magnum opus and explosions galore. Considering the post-apocalyptic wasteland setting of the game, it certainly seems like there will be quite a bit to do whilst you’re traversing through it, though most of it involves inflicting copious amounts of pain.

A Thunderdome-esque structure is also highlighted in the trailer, in which Max gears up to go one-on-one with an enemy, while it’s revealed that pledging your assistance to various inhabitants of the wasteland will have a dramatic impact upon their stronghold, leading to you being provided additional aid throughout your journey. The dynamic weather effects also look set to have a dramatic impact upon gameplay, with sandstorms hindering your vision and thunderstorms providing an additional threat from Mother Nature.

Mad Max is set to release on PS4, Xbox One and PC from September 1st, 2015. Watch the gameplay overview below: