Sony is offering a 10% discount to every member of its PlayStation Network today (January 23rd), releasing the batch of codes that can be redeemed in order to access the discount.
The codes will be available from 9am in all regions until 9am the following day, and Sony has also allowed them to be stacked with other codes, meaning that if you have already got a discount code for the PSN you can add this 10% offer on top of it.
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Unfortunately the discount code cannot be used to make pre-orders, nor can it be used to purchase subscriptions for PS Plus, Music Unlimited and rental video content. Also, if you want to use the code to obtain PS Vita or PSP content, you must do so through the online webstore rather than the consoles themselves.
Here are the discount codes for each region (Note: For North America, the 10% discount goes live at 9AM PT/12PM ET and is applied automatically, says Ask PlayStation):
- Australia: K5B9PMJQMF
- Austria: A9PMAFADEM
- Bahrain: QC86D5C7CD
- Belgium: KPBH6DAH9D
- Bulgaria: J49QT96DLD
- Croatia: EMKDP7T657
- Cyprus: LBL4F2T854
- Czech Republic: HLTCL52QCQ
- Denmark: Q4E7J3GEP3
- Finland: 2BTQAHF2AL
- France: KCQDNMGR94
- Germany: B6P3N5ATNK
- Greece: 7AAQQC83F9
- Hungary: 8JBQQTPCFB
- Iceland: KEM4JD98DA
- India: R99P6BR9FG
- Ireland: C4EFQJ4KFB
- Israel: QG6DQJKN69
- Italy: 3NBPML225L
- Kuwait: 7LTL3R55DH
- Lebanon: DG32HDLLE8
- Luxembourg: FQLKDNN5BR
- Malta: TBT5NHCG9Q
- Netherlands: DDHBNBF9EK
- New Zealand: 7LMGFC3B33
- Norway: JC9EEEHGLR
- Oman: 7D995HE92Q
- Poland: 9C38255C6L
- Portugal: PBTRQ7FGBF
- Qatar: 2P863Q427A
- Romania: A3G86KQ7T3
- Russia: T34NK72FQ6
- Saudi Arabia: 93NBHTTJDG
- Slovakia: F8LRPK323P
- Slovenia: HPDEG94QQF
- South Africa: BD43JPHDJJ
- Spain: GKE22RKKCN
- Sweden: 3E4MBKJTG6
- Switzerland: 9FTRKF52QL
- Turkey: QCDTCD526N
- Ukraine: 233NJCNQ59
- United Kingdom: T6R3KB529K