8 Reasons I’m Going Back to World of Warcraft For Warlords of Draenor

Ah, good ol’ World of Warcraft, the game that taught me that a truly captivating game is one that you can never really give up forever. I’ve convinced myself many times during the past 10 years that I’m done with playing the game, only to return a few months later. At this point, I know better than to say I won’t return. I fully expect to eventually be an 80 year old man playing a level 800 Demon Hunter.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor has a lot riding on it. I would argue that the last two expansions for World of Warcraft have been unmistakably the worst in the game’s timeline. Consequently, millions of players have unsubscribed.

Related: World of Warcraft’s Big Update is Here

Warlords of Draenor has a ton of great features, and implements crucial changes that the game has needed for quite some time. As a result, many unsubscribed players, including myself, are heading back into the fray. Sure, we have high expectations, but this is a Blizzard game we’re talking about; the hype can actually be met.

So what is it about Warlords of Draenor that is bringing me back? I outline eight reasons in the gallery below.