Although it’s been forgotten by some, just a few years ago Rockstar Games announced what at the time was considered to be the biggest PlayStation exclusive announcements ever. That announcement was for a game called Agent, a stealth action title from the same development studio that makes Grand Theft Auto. Well, we may have just found out today why it has been silent for so many years.
User Fine Ham Abounds on NeoGAF received an e-mail from GameFly which states the following:
Dear *,
We have removed Agent (PS3) from your GameQ. There are two possible reasons for this removal:
1. For released titles, we no longer carry the game and do not know if or when we will acquire new copies.
2. For unreleased titles, the game has been cancelled by its publisher.
We apologize for any disappointment this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you,
The GameFly Team
Agent was announced in 2007 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Given Rockstar’s stardom, it was considered one of the most anticipated titles for the system throughout the course of the generation. However, during the past seven years almost nothing has been said of the game, although in 2011 Take-Two confirmed it was “still in development”, and last year two trademarks were renewed for the title.
Also See: What Game is Rockstar Working on for PS4 and Xbox One?
Agent was marketed heavily as a huge game for the PlayStation family, with Sony stating that they believed it would “set the bar for the rest of the industry”. It was supposed to push the PS3 to its limits, showing what could “truly only be done on the PS3”.
Here are the only screenshots to be released of the game, which are from a build in 2009:

This is by no means confirmation that Agent is no longer in development, but it isn’t a good thing. There’s a chance that this is simply a result of the game’s move to next-gen, similar to what many believe happened to The Last Guardian.