It feels like just yesterday The Last of Us rocked the gaming world. Truth is, it’s been over a year since Naughty Dog released what could be considered its finest work. Now, it looks to bring that award-winning experience to the PS4.
The Last of Us Remastered releases on July 29th, and if there’s one game that you should give your attention to this Summer this is it. But chances are you already own the original PS3 release. Should you double dip? Short answer: probably. It’s making some noteworthy improvements and increasing the value of the package while it’s at it.
Related: 42 Screenshots of The Last of Us Remastered
To prepare you for the release of The Last of Us Remastered, we have a guide to everything you need to know about the game. Check out the gallery below.
The Last of Us Remastered - Everything You Need to Know
Naughty Dog's first survival horror game, and a great one
Naughty Dog has been king of the jungle for more than a decade when it comes to action adventure games; Crash Bandicoot quickly became an icon of the PlayStation 1 era, and Uncharted was a system-selling franchise for the PS3. But toward the later half of generation seven it felt the need to branch out, taking on new challenges to see what it could do when outside of its element.
After the completion of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, a second team within Naughty Dog broke off to work on a new IP, which would later become The Last of Us. Instead of sticking to what Naughty Dog is familiar with, it tread into the survival horror territory.
Despite the bold move, The Last of Us was a smash hit, becoming one of the highest rated games of all-time, and earning a lion's share of last year's Game of the Year awards. Over 200 of them to be exact.
A beautiful game made prettier
There are times when playing The Last of Us that you wonder how a console born in 2006 is even capable of running such a good-looking game. Naughty Dog spent a lot of resources optimizing the game for the console to draw as much power from it as possible.
With the PS4, the bar has been raised substantially in terms of graphical capability. Naughty Dog has gone back to work to try and achieve what was simply impossible a year ago.
The result? An even more gorgeous game. The Last of Us Remastered will run at 1080p instead of the PS3's versions 720p, an increase of over one million pixels. It'll also have a higher framerate, which won't run 100% of the time at 60 FPS, but will be a whole lot better than the 30 FPS lock of its kindred. Basically, the game will look and run better, and what that means for the epic adventure can't be overstated.
$30 of DLC included
The Last of Us Remastered will include over $30 in DLC. The content includes Left Behind, a prequel chapter that is centered around Ellie's past life. The Abandoned and Reclaimed Territories multiplayer map packs will also be bundled in, adding eight new multiplayer maps.
Left Behind is one of the most well received post-launch DLC packs in gaming history, earning acclaim for its compelling narrative that offers additional insight into The Last of Us' world. In regards to the multiplayer maps, the online play in The Last of Us is surprisingly outstanding. More maps means more content to chew on and keep you invested.
Developer commentary and a documentary
If you've beaten The Last of Us already, then the developer commentary option in The Last of Us Remastered is something that you can find great value in. With the option enabled, you can listen to hours of audio from Director Neil Druckmann, and voice actors Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson while watching the game's beautiful cutscenes.
Also, Grounded: The Making of The Last of Us is included, which is a documentary that dives behind the scenes of the game's creation.
It's only $49.99
The Last of Us Remastered is without a doubt this Summer's biggest video game. While it's AAA and a must-own, it's priced affordably at $49.99. Considering this is likely to end up being the PS4's highest-rated game for the foreseeable future, that's a steal.