While WildStar might come across as a casual and friendly game because of its colorful visuals, it’s actually a very sophisticated game. From the onset of development, Carbine Studios has made it clear that this is a game that focuses on giving hardcore MMO players something special more than anything else.
To say that WildStar is a hard game probably isn’t fair. Yes, it’s punishing, but also very rewarding. If you manage to tackle the many obstacles it puts before you, including becoming a pro at dodging and aiming, you’re in for one heck of an experience.
To help get you to that point, we’ve put together a list of 15 tips that should help you in your quest for world domination—or world friendship if you’re an Exile. Check out the tips below.
15 WildStar Tips
Tip #1: There's additional information on the map interface
If you open your map you might notice orange buttons on the left and right. The left button opens up a content panel which shows you the total amount of tasks, challenges, and more in that particular zone, as well as showing you how much of it you've completed.
The right-side button opens up a quests, missions, challenges, and public events panel where you can select one of these varieties of content and see where it's located on the map.
Tip #2: Focus on World Story and Regional Missions
Sometimes while leveling you'll feel overwhelmed by the amount of quests at-hand. However, only the World Story and Regional Missions should be considered critical. Completing these progresses the story and takes you from spot to spot.
Tasks are optional quests that supplement the main missions. You should complete many of these in order to keep up in level, but it's never necessary.
Tip #3: There's an auto sorting feature
Are you organized? Tired of having to manually sort your bags? Thankfully, WildStar already has an auto sorting feature.
To locate it, open your bags and click the spanner icon on the top right of the window. You'll then be able to see the sorting button, which has several options (as seen in the image to the right).
Tip #4: You can buy AMPs in the game world
Tier 2 and Tier 3 AMPs are critical in making your character a force to be reckoned with, but they need to be unlocked first. Some of these can only be obtained as drops, and are quite expensive on the auction house. Some can be obtained from NPCs for a reasonable price. Avoid buying these readily available ones on the auction house as they're typically way overpriced.
There's a good post on Reddit which has just about all the information you need on AMPs and where to find them. You can read it here.
Tip #5: Confused? View any tutorial you wish at any time
If you're like me, you've closed plenty of Tutorial windows without realizing that you didn't completely understand the concepts they tried to teach you. Thankfully, you can access any tutorial at any time.
Press ESC, then click on the Tutorial button to open the interface. Voila!
Tip #6: Watch your FPS and ping
Sometimes you might experience network or FPS hiccups. To monitor them, press ALT + F1 to show a real-time counter for both on the bottom right of your screen.
You can use this to tweak your video options to optimal levels.
Tip #7: Differentiating Quest and Path Objectives
WildStar has kindly labeled its Quest and Path Objectives on the map with different colors. Quests are yellow, and Paths are orange.
Tip #8: Experiencing a UI issue?
Although it shouldn't happen often, there's a chance you'll experience a UI glitch sometime during your stay in WildStar. To correct it, simply type /reloadui in the chat window.
Also, if you ever get your character stuck in terrain, you can press ESC and click 'I'm Stuck' on the bottom left to get your character out.
Tip #9: Log out of your house for rested experience
WildStar has a rested experience system which gives you bonus XP when logged out in certain areas. The easiest way to earn it is by teleporting to your house (unlocked at level 14) and logging out there. You get about one bubble of free XP every 6 hours, so take advantage of this while leveling to 50.
Tip #10: Public grouping
Did you know that if you help another player kill a mob that you both receive full experience and loot rewards? Essentially, the game is formatted where public grouping is rewarded. Whether or not you're having trouble with a quest, if you feel like experiencing the online part of MMO, start working with others to take out enemies.
Tip #11: I'm lost
WildStar makes a conscious effort to guide you from place to place, but there may be a time or two where you don't know which zone to go to next. Thankfully, mmorpg-life.com has a great guide which not only shows you the map order, but also the major unlocks.
Tip #12: Powerleveling Paths
If you are tired of spending time leveling your Path, you can make things faster and probably even more enjoyable by completing Path objectives with a friend. If you're grouped, you'll receive experience whether or not you have the same Path.
Tip #13: Buff yourself
The Settler Path is capable of building small structures that provide invaluable buffs for anyone who goes by. Whether or not you're a Settler, you can take advantage of this by making sure you always click the buff machines in quest hubs whenever they're available. You'll get additional health, damage, and maybe even an increased experience rate.
Tip #14: The major milestones
WildStar does a good job of keeping you invested with major milestones around every corner. Below are the things you have to look forward to:
- Level 6 - AMPs
- Level 6 - PvP
- Level 8 - Salvaging
- Level 10 - Tradeskills
- Level 14 - Housing
- Level 15 - Mounts, Adventures
- Level 20 - Dungeons
- Level 25 - New Mounts
- Level 30 - Unrated PvP Arenas
- Level 35 - World Story
- Level 50 - Raids, Rated Arenas
Tip #15: Get your daily housing buff!
Once you unlock player housing, be sure to stop by once per day and visit the sign at the entrance. You have a choice between three kinds of buffs, one of which will randomly have a 10% bonus instead of 5%. When leveling, the questing and hunting bonus is probably your best bet unless you're planning to do lots of PvP or dungeons.