There Are Already Over 3.5 Million PS4 Owners with a PS Plus Subscription

PlayStation Plus has evolved from an optional gamer-focused service that offers a few free games and deals every year to a Xbox Live style mandatory service that pays for itself with bucket loads of free games each year. Unsurprisingly, it’s become very popular.

During Sony’s latest meeting with investors, president and CEO Kaz Hirai shared that roughly half of all PS4 owners currently subscribe to PS Plus. Given that over seven million consoles have found themselves a home, roughly 3.5 million PS4 owners have paid the $49.99 fee to be a subscriber. There are also thousands if not millions of subscribers who haven’t adopted the PS4, yet.

Although the PS4 offerings have been weak to this point, PS3 owners are continually being spoiled. Last month Batman: Arkham City was handed out for free. And the month before that? Tomb Raider. That in and of itself is enough to justify PS Plus, let alone the other 10 months of the year.

Microsoft hasn’t appropriately responded to the threat of a more valuable online service on the market, but recently shared that Games with Gold for Xbox One will debut in June. Max: The Curse of Brotherhood and Halo: Spartan Assault will be the first offerings for their new console, while Xbox 360 owners will receive the legendary Dark Souls, one of my personal favorites.

Sony hasn’t announced its June offerings, but usually goes big during the month as part of their E3 marketing train. During last June the following was provided for PS Plus subscribers:

  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS3)
  • Machinarium (PS3, Vita)
  • Saints Row: The Third (PS3)
  • Gods Eater Burst (PSP)
  • Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward (Vita)
  • Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (single-player) (PS3)
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PS3)
  • LittleBigPlanet Karting (PS3)

Get hyped.