The PS4’s Big Secret is Project Beast, a From Software Exclusive

A flood of images have found their way onto 4chan depicting what appears to be a new game in development at From Software. Its current title is Project Beast, and judging by the images it’s a next-gen Souls game. 

What you might find interesting is there are rumors floating around that it’s PS4 exclusive, and will be announced during Sony’s E3 Press Conference. As much as Souls has prospered on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC, it set its roots back in 2009 with the PS3 exclusive Demon’s Souls. A PlayStation exclusive game wouldn’t be unheard of.

If true, this would be a huge win for Sony. The Souls series is among the most prolific, with the recently released Dark Souls 2 carrying a 92 Metascore and being regarded as one of the best RPGs of the past decade. And really, the PS4 could use a solid AAA exclusive to add to its line-up. This might just do the trick.

As low in quality as the leaked images are, there’s some information to take away from them (you can view them in the gallery below). For one, it’s clear that more complex shaders and shadows are being employed in this mysterious game. Frankly, it looks better than Dark Souls 2 on PC. It’s definitely a next-gen title.

A few enemies are seen in the images including a rabid dog, a shadowy figure, and some zombie-like humans, all of which you’d expect from a Souls game. And if you’re curious why I’m so quick to regard it as a Souls game, there’s an image of a fog gate and also one with From Software’s name set in big letters in the middle. 

Take a look at the images below:

So what should From Software name this game? Dead Souls? Dragon Souls? Demon’s Souls 2? There are so many options.

[Via: 4chan]