Titanfall is an exceptionally fun game for both the competitive and the more casual, but even if you won’t be playing Respawn’s new hugely popular FPS as religiously as some other gamers, that still doesn’t mean that you won’t want to level up faster in order to unlock some of the game’s more meaty weaponry.
We’ve piled plenty of hours into the game in order to figure out the best ways to earn XP in a hurry, and these are our results. Here’s how to level up faster in Titanfall.
How to Level Up Quickly in Titanfall
Don't ignore grunts.
Grunts aren't exactly fun to kill as they offer no challenge, but aside from easily boosting your teams Attrition points in Titanfall's Attrition mode, they also provide some easy XP if you mow them down.
Killing grunts is also a good way to hurtle up the leaderboard with minimal effort, as if you go hunting solely for Pilots you'll often find yourself coming second best to someone who hasn't got as many human kills as you, but has instead spent the majority of the game killing mindless bots. Grunts aren't to be ignored, even if they aren't much fun.
Mix up your weapons.
If you've already found yourself a favourite weapon, then don't become too attached to it if you're looking to earn XP fast. Each weapon comes with its own challenges, which can be completed for extra XP. Make sure to check in on the challenge menu and see which challenges you have already unlocked for each weapon, and then set about completing the rest of them. When you're finished completing all the challenges for a gun, move on to the next one.
Remember to rodeo
Rodeo-ing an enemy TItan will earn you XP and there are even a few challenges that can be completed while doing this, but to gain the most XP you're going to want to take an enemy Titan down whilst riding it.
The best way to do this is to equip the Satchel Charge, which can swiftly be attached to a Titan's back and blown up for big damage. In order to ensure that your Satchel Charge actually takes down a Titan, you're going to want to hop on one that's already reasonably vulnerable. If your Satchel Charge doesn't do the job completely, then equipping a fast-firing Anti-Titan weapon such as the Sidewinder will finish the job after you jump from off of its back.
Also, be sure to watch out for the Electric Smoke that some Titans are equipped with for dealing with pesky rodeo-ing Pilots. If you see that smoke being deployed, get out of there, because you aren't going to last long.
Use Burn Cards Wisely
If you've got an Atlas Refurb, Reserve Ogre or Spare Stryder Burn Card in your inventory, then be sure to use it at the beginning of the battle when there are plenty of Grunts, Spectres and on-foot Pilots to take down. This will maximise your chances of earning some additional XP before enemy Titans start roaming the field.
The Fast Learner Burn Card is the easiest way to boost your level, as it earns you double the amount of XP when used, though it only lasts until you die. With this being said, to increase your chances of getting the maximum amount of XP out of this card, use it only when your team is control of the battle, and preferably in the Hardpoint Domination game type, where you will be rewarded XP every few seconds for each Hardpoint you've successfully captured.
Make use of the Auto-Titan
Your Auto-Titan won't last long if its left to roam of its own volition in a battlefield filled with enemy Titans, but if you manage to acquire a Titanfall before your enemy team, then in order to raise your chances of acquiring additional XP set it to follow mode and have it tail you, taking down enemy Grunts and Spectres in its wake while you pursue Pilots on-foot.
Auto-Titans are much more efficient at handling ground troops if they're equipped with the Arc Cannon, which fires out a bolt of electricity that can kill multiple targets at once. If you haven't unlocked the Arc Cannon yet, then the standard 40mm Cannon will do the trick, too.
If your Titan is still on the battlefield when the enemy team has acquired a Titan, then be sure to hop in it and try to take them down. Fitting it with a Nuclear Ejection is always handy, too, and when your Titan's on its last legs make sure that it's in a heavily-populated area in order to take down any surrounding enemies.