But rather than quarrel, they (correctly) put the blame squarely on Dick's cheating shoulders - the man who had wooed…
It’s a big fucking win for profanity! Last week, the Supreme Court ruled in an 8-1 vote that students can…
On the bright side, there were no chestnuts roasting under an open fire.
Weird, and here we thought Alexandr was the needy one.
Planes attract the worst of humanity – and the creepiest of creatures.
Japanese rescue workers were recently punked by a rescue mission that turned out to be for naught.
When we look at these images, all we can think is: Boy did Bonnie and Clyde age really badly.
Rudy Giuliani is out of a job.
We live in an age when relationships can take whatever form you want them to, as long as they’re consensual.…
We’ve all experienced the scenario where we were totally into a Tinder date and were hoping to get laid but…