TikTok challenges can be pretty boring but this one where a dad gets involved and slams a White Claw might…
That's what happens when a 5-year-old birthday party goes completely off the rails.
When you're a douchebag and can afford anything on the menu, you must spring for the $72 fried rice. At…
While experts say spinner sharks aren't a threat to humans, this one left the kid torn to pieces.
A doctor has put out a warning on TikTok that while peeing in the shower may seem environmentally friendly, it’s…
You gotta love a classic case of police not wanting to get involved.
Or did Clark bite right through the guy's puffy vest with the jaw strength of a baboon on angel dust?
And you thought your roommate was bad. A waste disposal worker named Freddie Gillium-Webb recently got the unpleasant surprise of…
A Chinese man tried an old folk remedy to cure constipation, the remedy... shoving a live eel inside his anus.…
This is one way to wow a date. An MTA motorman from Brooklyn recently turned over control of the D…