Enjoy a little sexual magic by doing the Rose Quartz Foreskin Challenge and if you're not into this, then good.…
Have you ever had to endure an emergency landing all because of a bad smell?
Other than opening pickle jars and occasionally taking out the trash, we didn't know dads were good for much. But…
A man dressed as a nija crept into the California desert, confronting a member of the U.S. Army Special OPs…
Not all McDonald's are created equal. Especially if those McDonald's were designed in the 80s and 90s when the big…
There’s stiff competition in the travel industry as destinations vie to lure visitors back post-pandemic. One luxury hotel in southern…
As if we needed more proof of Cruz's inability at civil leadership, the puffy-faced Texan with the eyes of a…
Talk about a grower, not a shower. A phallic-shaped piece of foliage aptly called “the penis plant” has bloomed in…
If you go to Subway, you’re likely in search of a healthy-ish fast-food meal – but one Michigan man found…
If Zuko the pup was trying to flee to Cuba, his plans were unexpectedly foiled when a group of TikTokers…