As impressive as Pornhub is at porn, they're even more mindblowing at keeping tabs on what people are searching for.
Men will forgive a lot of things if a woman is beautiful enough.
Are you ready for some footballfish?
We think she looks fucking fantastic, but the bride did not agree.
Are we seriously still arguing over whether or not you need to wear a face mask in public? Really? It’s…
This video reminds us that not only are deer absolutely insane, they're graceful AF.
As crazy-making as those catchy, upbeat, jingle-filled holiday tunes may be, we’ve never gotten violent over them. Then again, we’re…
If you’ve ever been mortified to go out in public with your parents, well, just try imagining what it would…
These beetles could teach you a thing or two about mating rituals.
If you've ever wanted to see a man's eyes nearly pop out of his skull while he pulls 12-ton bus…