If you look closely, a key to Kanye's thought process was revealed here.
Easy on the wine, Abby.
One man recently had a “come to Jesus” moment about criticizing others after some heavy backlash on Twitter.
a 46-year-old man named Brian Gower showed up at the STRAT Casino claiming to have a grenade up his butt…
Next time, just steal a few bucks from your mom's purse like a normal person.
Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs, and we…
You may have never heard of Randi Zuckerberg but you definitely know her billionaire brother and the signature family charm…
Forget scrolling forever. We've collected all the most amazing dog videos you probably missed and compiled them all here for…
Asking for help is the first step.
We’re halfway there, Mandatory Nation. Soon we’ll be able to taste the freedom of the weekend and celebrate that time…