That's not a stomach bug, it's a baby.
Congratulations on making it through another week in 2022. Celebrate by relaxing and scrolling through some of the funniest tweets…
It's time to accept reality: Aliens are horny, technologically advanced, and they want to get jiggy with Earth girls.
Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs, and we…
Never waste a good Russian dictator corpse, especially so close to Earth Day.
Elon Musk has become the new father of Jack Dorsey's baby.
No, this doesn't qualify you for the Mile-High Club.
Cover image: RUNSTUDIO (Getty) With each passing day, World War 3 seems a little more and more inevitable, unless you’re…
And here we thought one wife was too much.
Doggone it, that's a bear-y good makeover.