Maybe carved into stone is what Yeezy deserves since he has time and again proven himself to be dumb as…
It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Listen, we’re not here to say “we told you so,” but…
Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
As if we needed something else to fear this year, now we have flying snakes.
Ivanka Trump, a woman who’s never had to job search one day in her life, has a message for unemployed…
'Screaming inside our hearts' sounds like what we’ve been doing since 2020 began.
MIT designed a robot that has the ability to disinfect a 4,000 square-foot warehouse in a half-hour.
Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
After Goya CEO Robert Unanue revealed himself as a major Trump supporter, eyes and heads started to roll just before…
We’re halfway there, Mandatory Nation. Soon we’ll be able to taste the freedom of the weekend and celebrate that time…