Just when you thought Crocs couldn't get any uglier...
There are plenty of fun, creative, and unconventional ways to come out, from cakes to cards to viral videos.
Before we collectively call bullshit, let's unpack this latest metric of post-pandemic happiness.
You’ve gotta love stories where the little guy triumphs. Although in this case, the “little guy” is a 70-pound tortoise.
Oh, Florida. Just when we thought you couldn’t get any crazier, you fall even deeper off the deep end.
Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs, and we…
As seen in the video, someone ran up and grabbed the dildo-wielding drone before it had a chance to get…
Recently, he made a video where he pretending to stop a moving bus in the way that the actual Superman…
We’re halfway there, Mandatory Nation. Soon we’ll be able to taste the freedom of the weekend and celebrate that time…
If you're struggling to find the perfect Father's Day gift for the man who donated your Y chromosome, consider this…