These ‘Simpsons’ Fans Want Australia’s Currency To Be Renamed “Dollarydoos”

Despite the overwhelming influence The Simpsons has had on pop culture, Australia’s currency is still the pretty-lame-sounding ‘Aussie dollar’. That said, a new Simpsons-inspired petition is set on changing that once and for all, by finally calling on the government to rename its currency the more suitable “dollarydoo”.

Launched by Thomas Probst on, the petition is calling on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Finance Minster Mathias Cormann, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Greens Leader Richard Di Natale to implement the much-needed change, inspired by the classic Simpsons episode ‘Bart vs. Australia’.

The “dollarydoo” was first introduced by Simpsons character and top-notch Aussie bloke Bruno Drundridge, whose son Tobias was tricked into accepting a six-hour reverse-charge call from Bart which ended up costing $900 900 DOLLARYDOOS.

Here’s how Probst explains why Australia needs the “dollarydoo”:

“Due to global commodity prices plummeting, the Australian economy is struggling. That’s why we need something to stimulate the Australian economy and that something is changing the name of the Australian currency to ‘Dollarydoos’.

“This will make millions of people around the world want to get their hands on some Australian currency due to the real life Simpsons reference, driving up the value of the Australian currency.

“If the leaders of this great nation have any common sense at all, they will introduce legislation to parliament to change the name of our currency as soon as possible.”

Genius. And well reasoned.

At the time of writing, Probst’s petition to rename Australia’s currency the “dollarydoo” has amassed over 4000 supporters in the last two days, and there are definitely many more to come.

It seems like some clever Simpsons fans have been printing their own “dollarydoos” for a while now, and why wouldn’t they? It’s not illegal. Well, not illegal yet. Bask in the glory of some examples, below.

(Image via Reddit)

(Image via Reddit)