Formula One racer Lewis Hamilton was turned away from the Royal Box at Wimbledon for failing to adhere to its dress code, thus missing out on the men’s final of the tennis tournament.
The Royal Box has a strict dress code, but Hamilton could have been forgiven for thinking that due to his stature, he potentially would have been allowed in regardless. However, that was not the case, as his floral shirt and straw hat ensemble saw him being left to take a moody Instagram photo next to the court outside of the luxurious box.

A photo Hamilton posted on Instagram before being refused entry to the Royal Box.
A spokesman for Wimbledon said: “He did come but he has gone. We are not commenting further. If he was not adequately dressed you could infer that he would not have been let in, but we do not comment on our guests.
“If he came without a jacket, tie or shoes he would have had two choices – not staying or going to get some extra stuff.”
Though disappointing for Hamilton, it’s nonetheless satisfying for us mere mortals to hear of a multi-millionaire being turned away from a venue after failing to comply to a dress code, much in the same way that we have been turned away from shit nightclubs due to us having failed to wear the appropriate footwear, or having got on the wrong side of a particularly belligerent bouncer.
Not to worry, though, Lewis. I’m sure you still had better seats than the rest of us.