Grab Your Cat and Get Into the Fantasia Film Festival

Movie lovers who have attended film festivals are already familiar with “bumpers,” a.k.a. those short clips that play before every screening, reminding you what festival you paid good money for. They’re usually pretty awesome the first time you see them, kinda neat the second and third times, and then just a wee bit tiresome after you’ve watched them 15 times over the course of a single weekend.

But the thing is, they’re a great way to get your work seen by tons of people, since no matter what movie they choose to see at oh, say, the 2015 Fantasia Film Festival, they’re probably going to see your work first. That’s why it’s pretty cool that the Fantasia Film Festival is offering up their bumper slots this year to enterprising fans across the internet who make a 30-second (or less), dialogue-free video and submit it via TentSquare.

The one other rule is, you need to have a cat in the video. Or cat imagery at least. Something cat-related. Cats.

The ten finalists will not only have their bumpers screened at the 2015 Fantasia Film Festival, but also receive a free VIP All Access Filmmaker Badge. But only one will receive airfare, two nights accommodations and a VIP All Access Filmmaker Badge to the Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal (or $300, winner’s choice), as well as a Go Puck 5x Wearable Power™.

The entries will be judged by Samuel Zimmerman, the editor of CraveOnline’s sister site Shock Till You Drop, as well as acclaimed horror director Lucky McKee (May, The Woman) and many more cool, talented people. 

Head on over to Shock Till You Drop for more details, or go directly over to TentSquare to get started. Who knows? This could be exactly the kind of bump that you career needs.


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