Hot Girl Walks By Premiers June 3, 2015!
Our hearts and minds are fragile, spongy depots of incredulous thoughts and fiery emotions, fueled by unrequited passions and slobbery hormonal inclinations. Our moods can be unintentionally modified, our perspectives instantly shattered, by even the most inane, petty, and brief human interactions, especially when that human is a particularly “hot girl.”
This is the premise of Crave’s newest comedic series, produced by our friends at What A Nightmare Productions, founded by writer-actors Greg Roman and Eddie Alfano. While hanging out one day, Eddie and Greg’s conversation was unintentionally disrupted by a beautiful woman walking by, so much so that neither could remember where they were or what the hell they were even talking about.
The idea for the series was born as they continued to explore all the various scenarios that could be altered when a Hot Girl Walks By. The result is an hilarious, episodic exploration that cuts across genders, sexual-orientations, and even alternate realities (zombie sex, anyone?).

We’ll be launching the series via YouTube on June 3, 2015 – watch the above teaser for a taste of the hilarity that will ensue!