Exclusive Preview: Ed Brisson’s Murder Book

Next month, Secret Avengers and Sons of Anarchy writer Ed Brisson’s Murder Book is coming to Dark Horse Comics with a trade paperback containing short stories by Brisson and an impressive lineup of artists including Simon Roy, Vic Malhotra, Michael Walsh, Johnnie Christmas, Jason Copland, Declan Shalvey, Brian Level, JD Faith and Damian Couceiro.

As Brisson explains it on his web site, Murder Book “ is a term used by detectives to refer to a case file on a homicide investigation. Murder books typically include crime scene photographs and sketches, autopsy and forensic reports, transcripts of investigator’s notes and witness interviews. They chronicle the life of a case from the time the murder is reported until an arrest is made.”

For the Murder Book anthology, Brisson created a series of short, unrelated crime stories for his artistic collaborators “that chronicle the demise of the immoral and the innocent alike.”

Ahead of Murder Book’s publication on March 18, Dark Horse Comics has provided CraveOnline with an eight page story from Murder Book called “Double Tap.” In this very NSFW short tale, Brisson and artist Declan Shalvey follow two low level criminals who are called before their “boss” after losing his illegal drugs.

You can preorder Murder Book by clicking on this link!


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