Marvel Studios’ plans to premiere the Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser during next week’s “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” fell apart today when a low-resolution version leaked onto the internet. Rather than demand that the trailer be torn down, Marvel decided to release the high-resolution trailer later this evening, giving us our first good look at the film since the Comic-Con 2014 footage, which has yet to see the light of day (well, officially).
With Avengers: Age of Ultron not coming out for over six months, we didn’t expect more than a quick glimpse of what’s in store for Marvel’s all-star team. And for a moment, it looked like that’s what we got: just a montage of cool-looking images with a voice-over from Ultron (James Spader), quoting “I Got No Strings” from Disney’s Pinocchio. Which actually reads as a little perverse, especially considering Disney is also the studio producing Avengers: Age of Ultron alongside Marvel Studios.
But we looked closer and found a lot of intriguing clues about the plot and characters of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Going through the trailer shot-by-shot revealed at least 14 images that imply big things for the movie, subplots for many of the major characters, and maybe even a cameo by The Vision, a character many thought was absent from the trailer.
We also found a hint as to how Captain America’s supposedly indestructible shield could break over the course of the movie, a hint as to the whereabouts of The Hulk between the Avengers movies, and the motivations and story arcs for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. And maybe even a tease that we’ll finally see Black Widow’s origin story too.
Did you see all that too? Did we miss anything? Join us as we delve into The 14 Biggest Clues in the Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailerand try to solve these mysteries, and many more, together.
The 14 Biggest Clues in the ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Teaser: