The New 52: Futures End is heading towards a major turning point. If the covers are any indication, we may soon see some characters that haven’t been seen since before Flashpoint!
According to the solicits for The New 52: Futures End # 24, “Terry’s (AKA Batman Beyond) heist team comes face to face with the man who’s been pulling their strings from the very beginning.”
But that’s not all that’s going on. In this exclusive preview from DC Comics, we see the results of a desperate alliance between Black Adam, The Atom, Frankenstein’s Monster, Amethyst and what’s left of Stormwatch as they try to escape Brainiac and return to Earth.
However, even the power of Black Adam may not be enough to turn the tide….

Keith Giffen, Dan Jurgens, Jeff Lemire and Brian Azzarello continue their weekly storyline with artists Jesús Merino and Dan Green in The New 52: Futures End # 24; which hits comic shops and digital outlets on Wednesday, October 15.