Robert Downey Jr.’s Pullin’ In The Big Bucks In Captain America 3

In what looks to be a role-expanding move, Marvel’s going to be ponying up the dough for Robert Downey Jr. once again, but this time it’s for his part as Iron Man in the next Captain America film. 

Upwards of forty million will be given up front to the beloved personification of the “genius billionaire playboy philanthropist” we know as Tony Stark for his participation in an apparently greater-than-anticipated fashion for Captain America 3

Robert Downey Jr. told Marvel that he wanted a meatier part in what will likely be the material that’s setting up many of the studio’s upcoming projects. Looks like Marvel was happy to indulge his request, as evidenced by that fat wad o’cash that’ll be thundering its way into his bank account soon enough.

For more on this developing story, head on over to Cinema Blend.