The Death of Wolverine miniseries is coming out this month and by the end of the story it will live up to its title. And that means that Marvel is going to relaunch Wolverine and The X-Men with a new lead character and a new first issue. Because… comics.
And while readers (and the X-Men themselves) would have expected someone to be promoted from within the Jean Grey Academy, Marvel has other ideas. Over at, Marvel announced that the new lead character will be one of its other franchise superheroes: Spider-Man.

Apparently, one of Wolverine’s last requests was that Spider-Man take over his responsibilities as the Headmaster of the school. Wolverine also gave Spider-Man a secret mission that he isn’t sharing with the rest of the X-Men.
Related: Marvel Launches Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy In October
The creative team of Spider-Man & The X-Men will be Elliott Kalan (“The Daily Show”) and artist Marco Failla. While speaking with, Kalan offered a glimpse of what’s coming up in his storyline. “the X-Men aren’t very happy with having Spider-Man involved with the school,” explained Kalan. “Along with his general troublemaking and wisecracking qualities — Spidey’s an acquired taste for many Marvel characters. He’s not a mutant, and though he may be a friend of the X-Men, he’s not a member of the family. There’s a lot of tension between mutants and an outsider whose true identity they can’t even know for sure.”

“Spider-Man suspects one of the students may be working for the X-Men’s enemies,” continued Kalan. “It’s up to him to find out which one, while teaching the other X-kids in his class a lesson about their responsibility to the non-mutant world.”
Spider-Man & The X-Men # 1 will be released in December.