For every gigantic Hollywood mega-star that regularly graces magazine covers – the ones that are in consideration for wax statuehood at Madame Tussaud’s – there are literally hundreds of equally recognizable, but far less celebrated, supporting and character actors hard at work, propping up some of your favorite movies with their tenacity and talent. Hollywood Supporting Players, as they might be called, work a lot. They may never be leading men or leading ladies, but it could be argued that they are the most important and most stringently required element of a film’s on-screen display. The hero pay be peerless and awesome in the foreground, but they mean nothing unless they inhabit a world of real people. The Supporting Players play those people.
And I think we’ve all had that shock of recognition; the “Hey! It’s That Guy!” moment. The police photographers, the FBI agents, the wisecracking pathologists, the judges, the waitresses, the ditzy secretaries, the eccentric store clerks. Hollywood Supporting Players spend a lot of time behind desks and counters, handing vital information to our leads, ensuring that the movie works better. They may not be the shiniest part of the filmmaking machine, but they are one of the most vital. And when you start to recognize them, you not only can appreciate their career, but you begin to see them as the talented actors that they are. I smile when I see David Paymer. Or Vincent Schiavelli. Or Joey “Coco” Diaz. Or Bob Gunton.
Today, CraveOnline is going to be celebrating the career of Sam Anderson, a hard-working and long-running television and film actor who appeared in Forrest Gump, which is being re-relased in theaters this Friday. Who did Sam Anderson play in Forrest Gump? He was the patronizing school principal who explained to Forrest’s mom – and to the audience – just how dumb Forrest was.

Born in North Dakota in 1945, Sam Anderson began his professional screen career in 1978, and has acted in TV for most of it, often scoring recurring roles in long-running shows. Name just about any popular TV show from the 1980s onward, and he was on it. Everything from “Dallas” to “Growing Pains” to “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” He was featured in ’90s cult shows like “Nowhere Man,” “The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.,” “The X-Files,” and “Millennium.” His first regular TV gig was playing several different parts over the course of a few episode of “WKRP in Cincinnati.” In the early 1970s, Anderson was a drama teacher in California. I cannot find details on his theatrical career, but I’m sure that it is – like so many actors – an extensive and varied one. According to Anderson’s Wikipedia page (and yes, he has one), he won an Ovation Award in 2009 for his performance in a play called The Bird and Mr. Banks.
Anderson’s first film role was something of a dubious one. In 1979, he was involved in a film called The Swap, which was comprised partly of original material, and partly of footage taken from a 1969 Robert De Niro film called Sam’s Song. Sam’s Song was about a documentary filmmaker working on a film about Nixon. The Swap recasts De Niro’s character from that film as the dead younger brother of a released prisoner, now out for revenge. Anderson played a character named Paul in the new footage, alongside Sybil Danning. I suppose all actors need to start somewhere. The earliest film I noticed Anderson in was 1981’s Airplane II: The Sequel. He played the mysterious Man in White. I will leave that cryptic role for you to discover.
Anderson is durable. He has a face that can be instantly warm and loving, as well as hard and cold. He projects authority, but it’s up to his director as to whether or not he projects an overbearing and steely authority, or an approachable, fatherly authority. Like so many other Hollywood Supporting Players (and Bob Gunton comes to mind in this regard) he is an expert in playing people that you either instantly trust, or instantly loathe.
Here is a list of just a few of Sam Anderson’s notable roles over the years:
Witney Seibold is a contributor to the CraveOnline Film Channel, and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. You can read his weekly Trolling articles here on Crave, and follow him on “Twitter” at @WitneySeibold, where he is slowly losing his mind.
Sam Anderson: 9 Memorable Performances
Morgan in Critters 2: The Main Course (1988)
The ultra-gory-yet-somehow-still-PG-13-rated Critters 2 was, strangely enough, in regular rotation on my local TV stations growing up. As such, after watching Critters 2 several times, I became familiar with Anderson's face. Critters 2 is about small, furry, carnivorous alien land piranhas invading a small American farming community. Anderson plays a newspaper guy.
The Assistant Manager in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1989)
I was obsessed with TNG growing up, and for a few weeks, the episode “The Royale” fascinated me. In it, distant magical aliens find an old Earth pulp novel, and create its setting physically for a crashed human astronaut. The crew of The Enterprise find it, enter it, and cannot leave until they complete the story. Sam Anderson played the fussy hotel assistant manager who had to look at someone like Data with casualness.
Principal DeWitt on Growing Pains (1989 – 1992)
Sorry. That was the best picture I could find. The Kirk Cameron sitcom Growing Pains dwelt in an only somewhat credible middle ground between the soulful earnestness of Family Ties and the outright goofiness of Who's the Boss? Sam Anderson appeared in 10 episodes of Growing Pains as the stern Principal DeWitt, who would always have a close eye on Cameron's Mike.
Mr. Sam Gorpley on Perfect Strangers (1987 – 1992)
Mr. Gorpley was the persnickety supervisor who worked in the same mailroom as Balki Bartokomous, the wacky Mypos native in Perfect Strangers. He was always trying to get Balki fired. Mr. Gorpley was a sad, patheitc, hateful man. It takes strength to play a role like that.
Whitney Horgan in The Stand (1994)
Stephen King's notoriously long and complex novel The Stand was, in 1994, adapted into an equally long and complex miniseries wherein 90% of the world's population was eradicated by a mysterious virus, and the survivors had to band together under the aegis of either an angelic folk singer or a demonic drifter. Sam Anderson played a minor character in the proceedings, but he did round out a cast almost comprised entirely of recognizable supporting character actors from the 1990s.
Dr. Olsen in Permanent Midnight (1998)
Although he only appeared briefly as a doctor, one can see that Anderson's involvement in the drug-laced Jerry Stahl biography proves he had a sense of humor about some of the sitcoms he previously worked on. Jerry Stahl was a writer for ALF who had a hideous heroin problem. Anderson appeared in a film about a drug-addicted sitcom writer after acting on sitcoms for 20 years. Hm...
Holland Manners on Angel (2000 – 2001)
Angel, the not-quite-as-popular spinoff to the cult fave Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a sterner and slightly more serious version of the relatively wacky original. Holland Manners was a shadowy lawyer for monsters who aided the title character in his adventures. He only appeared in eight episodes before being offed. Poor guy.
Bernard Nadler on Lost (2005 – 2010)
Lost is the most twisted, most enigmatic, and most difficult-to-follow TV series since, gosh, Twin Peaks. Characters appear and dissipate throughout the course of the show, sometimes only appearing in the past, sometime altered in the present. Bernard Nadler was one of the original survivors on the show, although we didn't meet him for a while. I'm not going to get into his story arc, as that would take all day.
Fr. Thomas in Devil's Due (2014)
Every January sees a demonic thriller of some sort reaching theaters, and 2014 had Devil's Due, a serviceable but ultimately just-okay found footage flick that followed a young couple's first pregnancy, and the inevitable demonic baby that follows. Sam Anderson plays the kindly priest who, when presented with the presence of a demonic baby, begins having fits and nosebleeds.